Your digital operations command center

Track inventory, manage supply chain, monitor the financial health of you business and more on one platform.


Enjoy 30 days free at sign up.

Drive Growth with Enhanced Productivity

Discover Potential Product Niches

Access Data for Any Product Segment

Search for a keyword or ASIN to get sales data and make informed decisions on profitable products.

Validate Product Ideas

Identify high-demand, low-competition niches with our opportunity score to find untapped markets and emerging trends.

See Aggregated Market Share Data

View aggregated brand sales to understand the competitive landscape, see top-performing brands and products, and recognize oversaturated niches.

Unveil Hidden Sales Data

Unveil Real-Time Amazon Sales Data

Enter a product’s Best Seller Rank, category, and marketplace to estimate its monthly sales and revenue.

Gauge Your Competition

Discover your competitor’s revenue and sales to decide which products to sell and how much inventory to produce.

More Accurate Sales Predictions

Use our machine learning model to link BSR to sales quantity for precise units sold estimates.

Unveil Hidden Sales Data

Unveil Real-Time Amazon Sales Data

Enter a product’s Best Seller Rank, category, and marketplace to estimate its monthly sales and revenue.

Gauge Your Competition

Discover your competitor’s revenue and sales to decide which products to sell and how much inventory to produce.

More Accurate Sales Predictions

Use our machine learning model to link BSR to sales quantity for precise units sold estimates.

Manage Products

A Master Database For All Products

Organize and store key attributes for all products, including description, category, brand, iSKU, mSKU, and more.

Prevent Data Overlap

Manage critical product information to ensure each product has complete and accurate data, avoiding overlap or mislabeling.

Consistency Across Platforms

Maintain consistent product information across all platforms and marketplaces.

Manage Purchase Orders

A Master Database For All Products

Organize and store key attributes for all products, including description, category, brand, iSKU, mSKU, and more.

Prevent Data Overlap

Manage critical product information to ensure each product has complete and accurate data, avoiding overlap or mislabeling.

Consistency Across Platforms

Maintain consistent product information across all platforms and marketplaces.

Manage Purchase Orders

A Master Database For All Products

Organize and store key attributes for all products, including description, category, brand, iSKU, mSKU, and more.

Prevent Data Overlap

Manage critical product information to ensure each product has complete and accurate data, avoiding overlap or mislabeling.

Consistency Across Platforms

Maintain consistent product information across all platforms and marketplaces.

Manage Warehouse Inventory

Maximize Warehouse Efficiency

Maintain accurate inventory levels, optimize allocation across locations, and boost team productivity.

Minimize Manual Workflows & Processes

Automate processes to increase productivity without needing additional hardware investments.

Get Complete Visibility & Control

Achieve full visibility and control over your logistics, aligned with your Amazon selling operations.

Manage FBA Shipments

Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Monitor your FBA shipments’ status and location in real time, ensuring timely updates and proactive issue resolution.

AI-Powered Replenishment

Use AI to predict stock needs and automate replenishment, optimizing inventory levels and preventing stockouts.

Comprehensive Shipment Analytics

Access detailed analytics and reports on shipment performance, trends, and costs to make data-driven decisions and improve logistics efficiency.

Manage FBA Shipments

Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Monitor your FBA shipments’ status and location in real time, ensuring timely updates and proactive issue resolution.

AI-Powered Replenishment

Use AI to predict stock needs and automate replenishment, optimizing inventory levels and preventing stockouts.

Comprehensive Shipment Analytics

Access detailed analytics and reports on shipment performance, trends, and costs to make data-driven decisions and improve logistics efficiency.

Manage Finances

Monitor All Income & Expenses

Automatically track all Amazon transactions, including orders, expenses, and reimbursements. Manage other costs like warehouse maintenance, rent, samples, and software tools.

Full Profit & Loss Accounting

Generate and view Profit & Loss statements at the product, seller account, or business level, ready for your accountant.

Manage Payments Easily

Track bill payments and outstanding amounts. Make partial payments and let our system monitor the balance and due dates.

View Analytics

Monitor All Income & Expenses

Automatically track Amazon transactions, including orders, expenses, and reimbursements. Manage costs like warehouse maintenance, rent, samples, and software tools.

Full Profit & Loss Accounting

Generate and view Profit & Loss statements at the product, seller account, or business level, ready for your accountant.

Manage Payments Easily

Track bill payments and outstanding amounts. Make partial payments, with our system monitoring the balance and due dates.

View Analytics

Monitor All Income & Expenses

Automatically track Amazon transactions, including orders, expenses, and reimbursements. Manage costs like warehouse maintenance, rent, samples, and software tools.

Full Profit & Loss Accounting

Generate and view Profit & Loss statements at the product, seller account, or business level, ready for your accountant.

Manage Payments Easily

Track bill payments and outstanding amounts. Make partial payments, with our system monitoring the balance and due dates.

Plans & Pricing

For every stage of your seller journey

























