Mastering Amazon Ads in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

To thrive as an Amazon seller in 2024, an effective Amazon Pay-per-Click (PPC) management strategy is crucial. Amazon PPC allows brands and third-party sellers to target specific keywords, creating advertisements that appear in Amazon’s search results and competitor product listings. This powerful tool presents relevant products to customers at the point of sale, driving conversions and allowing sellers to measure their ads’ performance.

Understanding Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC is the platform that enables sellers to create ad campaigns for their products, charging them whenever a potential customer clicks on an ad. Key metrics in Amazon PPC include:

  • Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS): The percentage of attributed sales spent on advertising. This is calculated by dividing total ad spend by attributed sales.
  • Attributed Sales: Total product sales generated within one week of clicks on your ads.
  • Impressions: The number of times your ads were displayed.
  • Clicks: The number of times your ads were clicked.

Why Amazon PPC Is Essential

As online shopping continues to grow, particularly on Amazon, the competition has intensified. With millions of products available, effective PPC advertising is essential for increasing visibility and driving sales. While organic ranking is important, PPC ads significantly extend your reach.

Creating an Effective Amazon PPC Strategy

Here are the foundational elements for building a robust Amazon PPC management strategy:

  • Experimentation: Test various types of PPC ad campaigns and explore both automatic and manual keyword targeting to determine what works best for your brand.
  • Research: Conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Ailumia Keyword Manager, focusing on related keywords and competitor products.
  • Budgeting: Set daily budgets and default bids 50-100% higher than Amazon’s recommendations when starting out.
  • Duration: Allow ad campaigns to run for at least two weeks before analyzing results and making adjustments.
  • Campaign Types: Use ad reports from automatic campaigns to discover keywords for manual campaigns. Ensure keywords receive at least 10 clicks before making adjustments.
  • Review: Regularly review your ad reports, making necessary changes to optimize performance.

Choosing the Right Amazon PPC Ad Type

Amazon offers several types of PPC ads, each with customizable targeting options. When starting, it’s advisable to experiment with all available ad types, particularly automatic-targeting and manually targeting Sponsored Products ads. These provide valuable insights into which keywords and search terms to target.

Understanding Return on Ad Spend (RoAS)

When planning your PPC strategy, consider your estimated Return on Ad Spend (RoAS), especially if working with a limited budget. RoAS helps determine how much revenue you’ll generate for every dollar spent on ads. Different ad types and strategies yield varying RoAS, with Sponsored Brand ads and close match keyword targeting typically offering higher returns.

Types of Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon provides three primary types of PPC ads:

  1. Sponsored Products Ads: These ads appear in search results and on product listing pages, resembling organic listings. Sellers can use either automatic or manual keyword targeting strategies.
  2. Sponsored Brands Ads: These ads allow sellers to promote multiple products at once, with customizable visuals. They appear as headline banners or videos in search results and can direct customers to a custom landing page or the seller’s Amazon Storefront.
  3. Sponsored Display Ads: These ads retarget customers who have visited product detail pages, both on and off Amazon. They can appear on Amazon’s affiliate sites and other platforms like Google and Facebook.

Leveraging AI for Amazon Ads

Amazon has introduced AI-powered image generation to enhance ad performance. Sellers can now create lifestyle imagery for their ads by entering a prompt, allowing the AI to generate a visually appealing image. This can significantly improve click-through rates (CTR), making it a valuable tool for optimizing ads.

Setting Up Sponsored Products PPC Ads

Sponsored Products ads are an excellent starting point for PPC advertising. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up these ads:

  1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central and navigate to Advertising > Campaign Manager.
  2. Create a Campaign: Select “Sponsored Products” and fill in the campaign details, including the campaign name, start and end dates, daily budget, and targeting strategy.
  3. Choose Your Campaign Bidding Strategy: Select from dynamic bids (down only, up and down) or fixed bids.
  4. Create an Ad Group: Name your ad group and select the products you wish to advertise.
  5. Set Your Bids: You can either set a default bid or place different bids based on targeting groups (close match, loose match, substitutes, complements).
  6. Launch Your Campaign: Review all details and click the “Launch campaign” button.

Optimizing Your Sponsored Products Ads

After running your ad for at least a week, review the data and make adjustments:

  1. Return to Your Campaign: Access the Campaign Manager to view performance metrics such as spend, sales, ACoS, impressions, and more.
  2. Create an Advertising Report: Generate a report to analyze customer search terms and keyword performance.
  3. Identify Poor-Performing Keywords: Remove keywords with high ACoS and low conversion rates by adding them to the negative-targeting list.
  4. Highlight High-Performing Keywords: Add these keywords to your manual campaigns to optimize performance.
  5. Continue Running and Optimizing: Repeat the process weekly to continually improve your ad campaigns.


Mastering Amazon Ads in 2024 requires a strategic approach that includes experimenting with different ad types, thorough keyword research, and continuous optimization. By leveraging tools like Ailumia Keyword Manager and staying updated with the latest AI technologies, you can create effective PPC campaigns that drive sales and grow your business on Amazon.


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